Having this site to archive my older work is really great for me, and I love it. I also have a website for WaterDog now too, how cool is that!

Right now I’m working on a couple of new releases, and am slowly putting my old 1980s cassette catalog up on Bandcamp. And then there is the double vinyl LP compilation of my old music that was put out in 2023 by BigBandAlone that I still can’t believe exists - it’s glorious.

I will be digitizing and remixing a few of my old 4-track songs, but for the most part I will just archive them as-is, the way I originally mixed them, with all the tape hiss and analog goodness that made me so happy back in the day.

Once in a while I do a Volt Divers group show at the coffin club. I may do another Electrogals show one of these days too. I produce a monthly radio show, along with doing some client work on the WaterDog side. I’m doing more radio plays, studying voice acting, and just generally enjoying my life.

I have started going to ComicCons, and I love those. And yes, I do play a lot of Xbox (and Playstation and Steamdeck…)

There’s always something fun to do. This page is where I will tell you about some of it.

- Heather Perkins, October 2024

Land-O-Newts! Studio in the heyday, Eugene, OR 1988